Tuesday, October 12, 2010

highlights. like the magazine.


so many of them to see. such a beautiful thing. got WAY too little sleep... that's the name of the game. clearly we're not in college anymore, because us four girls had to take a nap on saturday. yikes.

the fun included:
-handy andy. of course. sitting there, talking, for hours... as many people came through.
-ivanhoe's. twice. magical.
-running (or attempting) the homecoming 5k. at 8 am after going to bed at like 3 am. poor decision. but good memory.
-mi pueblos.
 before attempting the dreaded 5k.

ivanhoes. these girls complete me.

sure, most of it consists of food. that's my life. but: so many great talks, catching up, and funny moments were packed into one weekend.

somehow, a lack of sleep caused me to get oh-so-refreshed.

2. got to see the new science building they're creating. better than that: got to tour it with hard hats and everything.

3. matt finally let me go back to the place we got engaged. there was even the remnant of a candle on the traintracks still. talk about memories.
 we're standing right where he got down on one knee. i love it.

at the exact place. making motions as if i'm birthing babies. not sure why.

overall, taylor is still all that it has always been.
so much joy.
so much depth.
so much friendship.

mmm. makes me tear up just thinking about it. which, i'll have you know, i didn't do all weekend. okay, that's a giant lie. but there are just so many memories. i can't help it.

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