Saturday, August 25, 2012

back to school, back to school.

i am PUMPED for the new school year.
for many reasons.
1. i love school.
2. i love teaching.
3. i love kids.
4. i love what i'm teaching.

what am i teaching?
daily five.
FAST phonics.
science, social studies, and my own made up math!

i finally have more details on this.

here's how i'm going to implement:

-first, i'll be easing into it just like daily five, with 3 minute practices to start, model the correct and incorrect behavior, etc.

-second, here's my schedule: rocking chair area: 5 minutes (practice counting, patterns, writing date, etc.). then, introduce new concept with something tactile and fun.  then, back to seats for 15 minutes with new concept through game or activity. during this time, they'll be detectives (and have badges). then, they'll choose what they'd like to go to (to be written in my chart in a binder, students choose 2 centers a day for 10-15 minutes each).

-third, students that i'm pulling to work with will only get one center that day. obviously, they have to do every center before doing one again.

-fourth, centers will be added to on Thursdays.

-fifth, to close, something written for about 10 minutes.

total time: about an hour (5 to review, 5 to introduce new concept, 15 to practice new concept whole group, 20-30 for two centers, 10 minutes to review and wrap up)

here are the centers i'm going to start with this year:

-Buddy games: dice addition—you and a partner throw dice and add the two numbers together on whiteboards, writing the number sentences in two different ways
-All About Numbers: Math flashcards, writing numbers from 1-however high you can in rainbow on paper
-Solving Mysteries: Draw the room (looking for squares or circles), draw out simple story problems on paper to come up with answers
-Exploring manipulatives: Make patterns with pattern blocks, counting pennies

so there you have it!
i have set up my area already, but forgot to take pictures. i'll add those later.

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