Wednesday, April 11, 2012

scones and more.

happy spring break to me!
what have I been up to?
-grad school homework.
-lesson planning.
-watching friends.

sounds a lot like normal life, eh?
with some extras: hanging out with friends and family, napping whenever I want, and baking!

i made scones.
check them out!
i used a recipe from here.
only i didn't use vanilla beans, because they're expensive--3 teaspoons in place of the beans in the scones, and about 1.5 teaspoons in the glaze.
also: next time i'll use more powdered sugar to make the glaze thicker... live and learn, right?

 seriously delicious.

another thing.
for matt's birthday, i made steaks. but my favorite part? 
quick-made twice baked potatoes. 
they were beautiful!

and bruschetta.

happy spring break!


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